Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Purse project to start in May or June, more info to follow

Hello Everyone!!
I am still working on the purse from the last post... I hurt a muscle in my back while I was in Maine and it is healing so I will be able to finish the purse soon. I will let you know when the project is back in progress so you can follow the rest of the tutorial. When I am making my own piece of fabric for a purse such as this one I have to do a lot of rolling of the fabric by hand, which is going to hurt my back if I do it right now. I saw my DR a few days ago, I should be feeling better soon. I am knitting right now until I can go back to my raw wool felting. I am looking at starting a new project in May or June. 20 purses in 20 days!!!! I should be feeling better by then and should have no limitations. Right now I am working on some prototype purses, so you will see those posted on here as I get them done, as well as the hand felted purse I will resume working on. By the time the new project starts I will have a etsy store set up to attach to my blog so that if you want to purchase one of the purses and you are not local you can do this from my etsy store. If you would like to sign up to have a purse made especially for you in the project contact me. Leave a comment on my blog with your information or leave a note on my personal msgs on facebook.
I am attaching some of my most recent projects to this post.